Monday 22 July 2013


'There is no antidote, he writes, against the opium of time. The winter sun shows how soon the light fades from the ash, how soon night enfolds us. Hour upon hour is added to the sum. Time itself grows old. Pyramids, arches and obelisks are melting pillars of snow. Not even those who have found a place amidst the heavenly constellations have perpetuated their names: Nimrod is lost in Orion, and Osiris in the Dog Star. Indeed, old families last not three oaks. To set one's name to a work gives no one a title to be remembered, for who knows how many of the best men have gone without a trace? The iniquity of oblivion blindly scatters her poppyseed and when wretchedness falls upon us one summer's day like snow, all we wish for is to be forgotten.'

~ p.24 The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald

Saturday 20 July 2013

Mario et Luigi

Talking to Nonna, and I just found out that out of Nonno's seven brothers, one was called Mario and another was called Luigi.
I have no words to say how cool this is :)

Friday 19 July 2013

Making the room a nice place again...

So I moved back into my old room and decided that it needed a change. Here is how it looks at the moment. I must say, it is nice to have some books out, they have been living haphazardly in strange piles hidden away inside various cupboards for the last few years...